the enemy is on the field,
a specter's gathering:
the agents of unlightenment,
the host of the dread king.
now riot, torch, and tear.
It's now the time for choosing sides:
the revolution's here.
they've locked us in our houses and
they've forced business to fail.
they've lev'raged a pandemic as
a last ditch martingale,
to coup d'etat the People,
to retain their shadow crown,
they call for us to kneel as
their mobs burn cities down.
they People against People pit
in hope that all will turn
against a Brother, Neighbor,
so their power might return,
then lay that chaos at the feet
of him they fear the most:
the target of this coup d'etat
waged by dread king and host.
Yes, now's the time for choosing sides,
and I chose long ago:
t'ward Providence, Historia,
and Liberty I go.
I stand with Ally on that field,
with President and Friend,
right 'til the Neorenaissance
or 'til the bitter end.