Friday, June 14, 2019

The Forgotten

“Forgotten Man” by Maynard Dixon, 1934
The Forgotten
for a friend, on his birthday

When you're a man forgotten

and you must your worth defend,

when think elites your thread spun cheap

and rather Fates would rend,

when same then lord their power,

smear, insult, and condescend,

I know few blessings greater

than a someone who'll befriend.

When millions are Forgottens

and upon deaf ears we cry,

when think elites us damnable

and rather we would die,

when same then set two code of law,

betray, project, and spy,

I know few blessings greater

than a someone who'll ally.

Now they this friend call monster

and his downfall is their aim.

(They chose to see him monster,

and they monsters all became.)

But he recalled Forgottens all,

so, let elites pretend:

Where see elites a monster,

we see ally and see friend.