The basement has a dusty shelf
and on that shelf I keep
the good things which I hope to use
before I'm dead and deep.
Untouched those things will stay until
through joyful tears I see
that Stripe'd and Star Spangled Day
we win back Liberty:
a collection of fireworks
to give red rockets glare,
a bottle of reserve port wine
to make a perfect pair
with fine cigars a bundle of
aged in a humidor,
and last - champagne, some Veuve Clicquot
meant for a toast to pour.
And though today's July the Fourth,
this day can't qualify:
Our Land's seized by a ruling class
who, like all marxists, lie,
who claim superior insight
while you and I are fool,
who claim our place is to obey
while their place is to rule.
So despite what today might be,
those marxists still make claim:
a tyranny still foul reeks
by any other name.
So today draw your children close,
gather your family,
and tell them of America
where men could once be free.
To them The Declaration read,
The Constitution too,
in Defiance the Gadsden raise
with the Red, White, and Blue,
stock for them then a basement shelf,
and safely store away
good things to ring their Freedom in
come Independence Day.