Monday, January 25, 2021

In Defiance

John Hancock's defiance: July 4th 1776 (1876)
In Defiance
for the Republic, for a friend

The President's in exile,

and Debate has been shut down,

'cause the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a clown.

The President's in exile,

and our Country's now a fief,

'cause the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a thief.

The President's in exile,

and support of him outlawed,

'cause the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a fraud.

The President's in exile,

and submission's now the rule,

'cause the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a tool.

The President's in exile,

and Election trust is gone,

'cause the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a pawn.

The President's in exile,

through Election subterfuge,

yes, the President's in exile,

and their figurehead's a stooge.

The President's in exile,

and we're all in exile too.

Still, I know no finer place

than to stand right here with you,

to speak the Truth, and not to kneel,

Republic to defend -

yes, the President's in exile,

and I'll stand with my friend.