Trial by Fire
Burn the witch.
Some wrongs we do not speak out loud
nor teach about in school,
some shame so great we cannot bear
admit ourselves so cruel,
some horrors overwhelm
and so the mind mercif'lly blanks,
but today, twenty-five years ago,
the democrats rolled tanks.
Claiming it was “for the children,”
(as each claim often runs),
they plotted precedent
for government to grab our guns.
They rolled on Texas outcasts
of an oddball Christian sect
accused as doomsday sex cult
with no Rights they need respect.
It ends with church-home burning;
most inside went to the grave.
Indeed, most of those children
they claimed siege was meant to save.
Not Due Process; disarmament
was democrat desire.
So when they now speak of seizing guns...
expect trial by fire.
Trial by Fire, Copyright © 2018 Papa Possum